Photos: Page 22

EDI Mammoth CA
June 24 - 25 , 2000
Gravity Games Qualifier (Results)

Unfortunately my camera battery died after only 3 photos.  Luckily Officer Sherman Stebbins was at the event and has lots of photos on his site.
For those of you that do not know were Mammoth, CA is located, it's about 3 hours south west of Reno Nevada in the Sierra Mountains. Dave Rogers, Robert McKendry and I stayed in a cool condo in Chamonix.

Check out the similar photo from last years Mammoth race.  I think Hunter likes to hide in the woods.

Sorry Slim, kinda hard to keep your identity secret when your name is all over the back of your leathers.
Photo courtesy of Bob Ozman.

Lots of lugers.  37 Pro and 22 amateur.

NJK or call (760) 924-3275
Kelcey Gordon (owner of NJK Leathers) did a great job on my new leathers.  They match my board perfectly. Thanks dude.
Photo courtesy of Bob Ozman.

Beagle was happy after he found out he made the Gravity Games.
Photo courtesy of Bob Ozman.

Rob Ruhman was hit with champaign after he won the pro Street Luge event.  Rob's 1st and well deserved win.
Photo courtesy of Bob Ozman.

Rob's spoils... A gold cup and champaign.
Photo courtesy of Bob Ozman.

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